Magento Connect/Pear channel not updated ?

We manage our Magento shops in source control, but upgrade extensions as needed via Pear and Magento’s channels. However since mid December 2009, no upgrades have been showing up. Looking at the pages on the Magento site, there are upgrades available for some of the extensions we are running, but they are no longer being shown. I wonder if some meta data for the pear channel is not being updated correctly?

$ ./pear list-upgrades
Channel No upgrades available
Channel No upgrades available

I am not the only one with this problem, as someone posted to the Magento Connect forum ( This isn’t my normal kind of post, but I’m hoping someone with the power to fix this will notice.

Sorry for the lack of posts here. I have not been working with Magento that much in recent months. I do have some other short articles  planned though. If you need any development work feel free to contact me (jools [at]

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