RetroPie 4.5.1 update

As detailed in the last post – – there were some issues in the last image due to the updated Kernel. A newer Kernel has been released for Raspbian Stretch that resolves the composite output issue, but we also had problems reported with overscan settings and decided to implement a workaround. As the previous … Read more

Composite out broken on RetroPie 4.5

It has come to our attention that composite video out is broken on the 4.5 image due to a firmware bug. We updated the firmware/kernel to one from Raspbian Buster as the latest Raspbian Stretch kernel had an issue breaking Sony Bluetooth devices. However it seems that the more recent firmware has stopped composite output … Read more

RetroPie 4.5 is released

After some delays due to recent issues we are pleased to announce RetroPie 4.5. This version does NOT work on the recently released Raspberry Pi 4. We are currently working on support for this. IMPORTANT UPDATE: It has come to our attention that composite out is broken on this release. See for further details. … Read more

The MagPi 50th issue released

The excellent Raspberry Pi magazine The MagPi have released their 50th issue (free to download but also available to buy in print). To celebrate they feature the top 50 Raspberry Pi projects as voted for by readers and their panel of judges. We are very pleased to have been included in their top software projects … Read more

Xubuntu for the O2 Joggler updated to v1.5

The O2 Joggler images of Xubuntu 14.04 and Ubuntu Base have been updated to v1.5. Changes include Kernel 3.2.80, Kodi 16.1 and Ubuntu package updates. Kodi 16.1 is included in our PPA, so existing users who don’t want to start from a new image can update by doing sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install kodi … Read more

XBMC4Xbox 3.5.3 is out

XBMC4Xbox 3.5.3 has been released. A smaller update again, but includes some weather and scraper fixes, and some library updates. Changes since 3.5.1 include: Improved compatibility with some Kodi addons. Fixes for the TMDB scraper. Fix for weather location search and data. Python updated to 2.7.11 (including updated SQLite3/OpenSSL) Fix for a problem with stuttering … Read more

XBMC4Xbox 3.5.3 is out

XBMC4Xbox 3.5.3 has been released. A smaller update again, but includes some weather and scraper fixes, and some library updates. Changes since 3.5.1 include: Improved compatibility with some Kodi addons. Fixes for the TMDB scraper. Fix for weather location search and data. Python updated to 2.7.11 (including updated SQLite3/OpenSSL) Fix for a problem with stuttering … Read more

RetroPie 3.5 is out

We are pleased to announce the release of RetroPie 3.5. After taking into consideration the feedback from the vibrant RetroPie community, we have provided a few more functions to simplify the user experience such as automatic expansion of the filesystem on boot, less terminal text, and more configuration options for the runcommand launch menu. We … Read more

XBMC4Xbox 3.5.1 is released

XBMC4Xbox 3.5.1 is now available. It is a minor update from 3.5 to fix some recent problems with scrapers and the Addon installer: Fixes for the TMDB scraper – including search, certification, and images. Updates to the Addons installer script – it now includes the XBMC Gotham repository, as well as the Kodi Helix repository. … Read more

XBMC4Xbox 3.5.1 is released

XBMC4Xbox 3.5.1 is now available. It is a minor update from 3.5 to fix some recent problems with scrapers and the Addon installer: Fixes for the TMDB scraper – including search, certification, and images. Updates to the Addons installer script – it now includes the XBMC Gotham repository, as well as the Kodi Helix repository. … Read more

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