Happy Pi Day – RetroPie 4.8 is released

Happy Pi Day! After a long wait, we are pleased to announce the release of RetroPie 4.8.

The RetroPie 4.8 images are built on the latest version of the Raspberry Pi OS Lite Buster (which is now their legacy release). This image supports the latest Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W and recent Raspberry Pi 4 boards that require a newer firmware than is available on the RetroPie 4.7.1 image.

Support for the current Bullseye version of Raspberry Pi OS is in progress.

There have been a lot of changes since the last image. RetroPie-Setup has had some visual and functionality improvements. Package management is now simpler and there have been improvements to joystick control in the dialog menus as well as the addition of an On Screen Keyboard for configuring your WiFi password. Versioning is now supported for source packages, so source packages will only update if there are new changes available. This makes updating quicker when you have many packages installed from source.

The front-end EmulationStation has had some useful changes including theming improvements, faster loading, and bug fixes. The new default theme is Carbon-2021 that uses a new theming feature to allow pixels for positioning/sizing. This should make it easier for people creating themes.

For the Raspberry Pi you can download a 4.8 image from https://retropie.org.uk/download/. For first installs please follow the Installation Instructions.

You can also install RetroPie on top of an existing Raspberry Pi OS (Buster) set up, or on top of Ubuntu on a PC/Odroid XU3/XU4. Links to the relevant instructions can be found on the download page.

If you want to support the project, donations are always appreciated and can be made on our Donation Page. The lead developer Jools Wills also has a Patreon page up at https://www.patreon.com/retropie.

Thanks to everyone who has helped with this release.

Changes since 4.7.1

  • On screen keyboard for entering WiFi password in RetroPie-Setup
  • Improved joystick support in RetroPie-Setup dialogs.
  • Improvement to RetroPie package management and updating.
  • retroarch – updated to v1.10.0
  • Updates to many libretro cores – in depth details about libretro changes can be found on their site – https://www.libretro.com
  • EmulationStation updated to v2.10.2
    • Better Random: Perfect shuffle of systems, games and screensaver items
    • Fixes for event handling so startup events are cleared
    • Pixel positioning/sizing support for themes
    • Added a progress bar during loading + threaded loading for systems (threaded loading is disabled by default currently)
    • Added a cache for stat checks (performance)
    • Support for new scripting events – switching systems/selecting games/screensaver videos and image switching/etc.
    • Improvements to text wrapping for CJK glyphs
    • Updated Arcade resource lists (used to hide MAME devices/bioses and to provide friendly names for zip archives)
    • Ability to use full screen paging with LB/RB
  • hatari – updated to v2.3.1
  • xpadneo (Xbox One Bluetooth driver) – updated to v0.9
  • zesarux – updated to v9.1
  • lzdoom – updated to 3.87c
  • xroar – updated to 1.0.9
  • srb2 – updated to 2.2.9
  • ags – switch to v3.5.1 release branch
  • eduke32 – fix for gameplay bug in E1L4
  • scummvm – updated to 2.5.1, first release since the ResidualVM merge includes bug-fixes and new games.
  • cgenius – updated to the latest stable version (Added Cosmos engine, GUI, sound and controller improvements)
  • tyrquake – updated to 0.69
  • yquake2 – updated to v8.00 and added add-ons game source
  • vice – switch to v3.5 branch
  • advmame – fixes for building on GCC 10+
  • audiosettings – add PulseAudio configuration support
  • esthemes – support branches, to allow multiple themes on a single repo and many new EmulationStation themes added
  • bluetooth – various fixes and improvements
  • kodi – scriptmodule compatibility improvements on Ubuntu
  • Improvements to handling of dkms drivers.
  • New modules:
    • lr-stella – added upstream / current Stella libretro core (Atari 2600 emulator)
    • lr-tic80 – TIC-80 is a free and open source fantasy computer for making, playing and sharing tiny games (see https://tic80.com)
    • lr-retro8 – retro8 is an open source re-implementation of the PICO-8 fantasy console.
    • yabasanshiro – standalone Saturn emulator based on Yabause (RPi4 only)
    • hypseus – Hyseus Singe (Daphne) SDL2 Laserdisc emulator
    • ppsspp-1.5.4 – Added old ppsspp module (performs better for some users)
    • dosbox-staging – an enhanced and modernized DosBox fork
    • lr-uae4arm – libretro core of the uae4arm Amiga emulator.

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RetroPie 4.7.1 update

RetroPie 4.7.1 images are now available from the Download Page.

Unfortunately a couple of bugs crept into the EmulationStation front-end for the 4.7 release. A performance issue causing EmulationStation to have a poor frame rate and an bug affecting its built in scrapers.

The performance issue affected Raspberry Pi 0/1/2/3 users and is related to a problem with the EmulationStation GLESv2 renderer on the legacy broadcom drivers (we have switched to the previous GLESv1 renderer for now).

The scraper issue affected all systems, and was a problem introduced recently in the development branch that we missed.

These issues are resolved in the 4.7.1 image. If you have already installed the 4.7 image you don’t need to re-download. Just choose the “update” option from the main menu in RetroPie-Setup.

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Raspberry Pi 400 is released

The Raspberry Pi 400 is released today – A Raspberry Pi 4 based system built into a compact keyboard. To find out more about the new machine please visit https://rptl.io/400.

RetroPie 4.7 is compatible with the new Raspberry Pi 400 and can be downloaded from https://retropie.org.uk/download – Press the download button named “Raspberry Pi 4/400”.

You can also find out more about the system including a tear-down and a demo of RetroPie running on it in a new video from Perifractic’s Retro Recipes.

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RetroPie 4.7 is now available

RetroPie 4.7 images are now available, and include a variety of changes and improvements. We marked RetroPie 4.6 as having beta support for the Raspberry Pi 4. We now believe it to work well enough to remove the beta label.

RetroPie 4.7 supports the new Raspberry Pi 400.

Please see below for more information on what’s changed since RetroPie 4.6.

You can download a 4.7 image from https://retropie.org.uk/download/. For first installs please follow the Installation Instructions.

You can also install RetroPie on top of an existing Raspberry Pi OS (Formerly Raspbian) set up, or on top of Ubuntu on a PC/Odroid-C1/C2/XU3/XU4. Links to the relevant instructions can be found on the Download Page.

Please note that our pre-built binary packages for Raspbian Stretch are no longer updated, and support is being dropped for this version. If you are still running a Raspbian Stretch based image you will get a warning when launching RetroPie-Setup. We recommend people update to the latest image which is currently based on Raspberry Pi OS (Buster).

If you want to support the project, donations are always appreciated and can be made on our Donation Page. The lead developer Jools Wills also has a Patreon page up at https://www.patreon.com/retropie.

Thanks to everyone who has contributed to this release.

Changes since 4.6

  • Updated to the latest Raspberry Pi OS Buster image, with support for USB boot on the Pi4. The RetroPie 4.7 image can be flashed directly to an USB drive and booted directly, the Pi4 boot EEPROM should be updated first using Raspberry Pi Imager as detailed in https://github.com/raspberrypi/documentation/blob/master/hardware/raspberrypi/booteeprom.md.
  • Added xpadneo – linux driver for xbox one wireless gamepad.
  • retroArch – updated to v1.8.8.
  • Added mame – standalone MAME emulator building from latest code.
  • srb2 (Sonic Robo Blast 2) – updated to v2.2.2.
  • cgenius – updated to
  • hatari (Atari ST emulator) – updated to v2.2.1.
  • amiberry (Amiga emulator) – updated to v3.3.
  • scummvm –  updated to 2.2.0
  • xroar (Dragon 32 / CoCo emulator) – updated to v0.36
  • ti99sim –  update to version 0.16.0 and switch to SDL2.
  • Added ti99sim-sdl1 for older distros as new code requires GCC 8
  • sdltrs –  switch to the SDL2 version, enable for KMS
  • attractmode – now supports RPI4/KMS.
  • lr-vecx – now includes GPU rendering support for smooth vector output.
  • sdl1 / runcommand – fix aspect ratio using the dispmanx backend with sdl1 on fkms (this affects various sdl1 emulators such as dosbox, daphne, openbor and others).
  • lr-gpsp – fixed crash on RaspberryPi OS Buster.
  • opentyrian – updated to latest code which now uses SDL2 backend.
  • darkplaces-quake – added optional gles version for RPI4 with better performance.
  • gemrb – updated to v0.8.6 and switched to SDL2 backend.
  • lr-bnses – updated to the current BSNES version of the libretro fork.
  • vice – updated to latest version, and re-enable fastsid which got disabled by default upstream.
  • Improved Aarch64 support (64bit Arm) – can be manually installed on the beta 64bit Raspberry Pi OS, but is not officially supported.
  • lzdoom –  update to 3.86a (This was announced as the final lzdoom release to support GL2 rendering.)
  • mupen64plus – reworking of module logic – now enabled on mali targets.
  • Added recognition for Jetson Nano and Tegra X1
  • Added gpg signing for pre-built binaries.
  • Improvements to runcommand and RPI4 videomode detection.
  • Updates to Skyscraper (Metadata scraper).
  • usbromservice – fixed bug with mounting ext3/ext4 partitions.
  • audiosettings –  updates for Pi4 and support for discrete internal ALSA devices.
  • New esthemes added.
  • Various other bug fixes and improvements.
  • Added new experimental modules:
    • lr-mesen – Mesen NES/Famicom emulator.
    • lr-theodore – Thomson MO/TO system emulator.
    • lr-smsplus-gx –  Sega Master System/Game Gear emulator.
    • lr-gearsystem –  Sega Master System/Game Gear/SG-1000 emulator.

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RetroPie 4.6 released with Raspberry Pi 4 support.

Raspberry Pi 4

We are very pleased to announce RetroPie 4.6 with beta support for the Raspberry Pi 4.

It’s been some time since we last updated our pre-built images. However development has been ongoing in the background, and a lot of changes have been made since the last release. Note that we update RetroPie constantly, and you can update your system at any time. We wanted to wait until we were happy with the Raspberry Pi 4 support before putting out some new images though, but RetroPie has been working on the Raspberry Pi 4 for some time for those wanting to manually install or try a weekly development image.

You can see what emulators are available for our supported platforms thanks to a new stats module included in RetroPie – https://retropie.org.uk/stats/pkgflags/

For RetroPie 4.6 we have moved to Raspbian Buster as a base for our pre-built Raspberry Pi images. Raspbian Stretch is no longer supported by Raspberry Pi Trading Ltd. We will continue to support Stretch for a while longer, but will likely stop updating binaries for it later this year.

We are marking the Raspberry Pi 4 image as beta for now – primarily as there are still some things to improve on, but most packages run well. Please do try it, and report any issues to our forum https://retropie.org.uk/forum/. If you are running a weekly Buster development build from https://files.retropie.org.uk/images/weekly/ you can just update within RetroPie-Setup – no need to start from a new image.

Please see the changelog below for more information on the changes since RetroPie 4.5.

You can download a 4.6 image from https://retropie.org.uk/download/. For first installs please follow the Installation Instructions.

You can also install RetroPie on top of an existing Raspbian Buster set up, or on top of Ubuntu on a PC/Odroid-C1/C2/XU3/XU4. Links to the relevant instructions can be found on the Download area.

If you want to support the project, donations are always appreciated and can be made on our Donation Page. The main developer Jools Wills also has a Patreon page up at https://www.patreon.com/retropie.

We hope you enjoy this update, and wish everyone the best at these difficult times. Happy gaming x.

Changes since 4.5

  • Raspberry Pi 4 support! Support is labelled as beta currently as there are still things to improve, but most emulators now run well.
  • The RetroPie images are now based on Raspbian Buster – Stretch is no longer supported by Raspberry Pi (Trading) ltd. RetroPie will stop updating pre-built binaries for Stretch later in the year.
  • Improvements to RetroPie packaging system and core RetroPie-Setup code so package state is remembered and binary updates will only be done if an updated binary is available. Source installs won’t be overwritten by a pre-built binary when updating also. We started providing pre-built binaries for the packages in the experimental section for the supported platforms.
  • RetroArch updated to v1.8.5.
    • New notification system with cheevos badges support.
    • RGUI can be themed.
    • Support for real CD ROM, with the ability to dump the disc image.
    • Improved disk control system, with support for labeling disks in .m3u files.
    • RetroAchievements support for PS1/Sega CD/PCEngine CD.
  • EmulationStation updated to v2.9.1.
    • Scraper fixes for the TheGameDBNet.
    • Grid view improvements and bugfixes.
    • Theming improvements.
    • New options for “disable system name on custom collections” and “save gamelist metadata after each modification”.
  • Added videomode switching support to runcommand for KMS and X11 targets. SDL2 applications only.
  • Added ioquake3 module for platforms other than Raspberry Pi 1-3.
  • Replaced zdoom with lzdoom as zdoom is no longer maintained.
  • amiberry – updated to 3.1.3 including ipf support.
  • stella – updated to 6.0.1.
  • SDL updated to 2.0.10 with rpi4/kms fixes.
  • solarus – lots of updates to modernise the port.
  • eduke32 – major overhaul including adding package for IonFury.
  • zesarux – updated to v8.0.
  • cgenius – updated to v2.3.6.
  • drastic – update to with RPI4 compatibility.
  • scummvm – updated to v2.1.1.
  • atari800 – updated to v4.2.0 (lr-atari800 config has been moved to lr-atari800.cfg to avoid conflicting)
  • lr-mupen64plus / lr-mupen64plus-next – enable GLES3 support on rpi4.
  • lr-opera – renamed from lr-4do.
  • Sonic Robo Blast – updated to 2.2.
  • Lots of other fixes and improvements.
    • Added new experimental modules.
    • vvvvvv – Port of the popular platform / puzzle game VVVVVV.
    • lr-neocd – Neo Geo CD emulator.
    • redream – Dreamcast emulator for the Raspberry Pi 4.

Raspberry Pi 4 image from – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raspberry_Pi#/media/File:Raspberry_Pi_4_Model_B_-_Side.jpg – released under CC BY-SA 4.0

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RetroPie 4.5.1 update

As detailed in the last post – https://retropie.org.uk/2019/07/composite-out-broken-on-retropie-4-5/ – there were some issues in the last image due to the updated Kernel.

A newer Kernel has been released for Raspbian Stretch that resolves the composite output issue, but we also had problems reported with overscan settings and decided to implement a workaround. As the previous 4.14 Kernel was well tested, we decided to switch back to it for now, and also created a new image (this was actually uploaded on the 17th July, but due to some testing and time constraints is only being announced now).

If you have a 4.5 version of RetroPie for the Raspberry Pi you can choose the update option in RetroPie-Setup and then choose to “Update System Packages” when prompted. This will downgrade the Kernel to the one in this 4.5.1 image. The Kernel will only be downgraded if choosing to update System Packages from the RetroPie-Setup interface.

You can download a 4.5.1 image from https://retropie.org.uk/download/. For first installs please follow the Installation Instructions.

We are still working on Raspberry Pi 4 support. You may have seen some unofficial images from other people with some emulators working – but please bear with us. We also have some emulators working, but don’t want to release anything until we are able to realistically support it.

Changes since 4.5

  • Downgraded to 4.14 kernel to resolve some 4.19 kernel/firmware issues
  • (other rpi4/fkms changes which will be announced in a future post)

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Composite out broken on RetroPie 4.5

It has come to our attention that composite video out is broken on the 4.5 image due to a firmware bug.

We updated the firmware/kernel to one from Raspbian Buster as the latest Raspbian Stretch kernel had an issue breaking Sony Bluetooth devices. However it seems that the more recent firmware has stopped composite output from working.

This is the upstream issue. It has been fixed, but it isn’t yet available as a Raspbian update. https://github.com/raspberrypi/firmware/issues/1166.

If you have already installed 4.5 – you can fix this by downgrading the Kernel. You can do this via SSH if you have no display output. You can enable SSH by making a file called ssh in the /boot folder using another system. See https://retropie.org.uk/docs/SSH/#enable-ssh.

Once you have access to the command line you can manually downgrade the Kernel with the following command (after running this reboot, and you should be on the older firmware and kernel).

sudo ~/RetroPie-Setup/retropie_packages.sh raspbiantools install_firmware 1.20190401-1

This older version also works with Sony Bluetooth devices. RetroPie-Setup will only try and update the kernel again if you choose to update system packages.

Sorry for the inconvenience. We will update to a newer kernel as soon as one is available.

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RetroPie 4.5 is released

After some delays due to recent issues we are pleased to announce RetroPie 4.5.

This version does NOT work on the recently released Raspberry Pi 4. We are currently working on support for this.

IMPORTANT UPDATE: It has come to our attention that composite out is broken on this release. See https://retropie.org.uk/2019/07/composite-out-broken-on-retropie-4-5/ for further details.

RetroPie 4.5 for the Raspberry Pi is based on Raspbian Stretch. This may be our last image based on Stretch as it looks as though the Raspberry Pi foundation are now concentrating their efforts on the recently released Raspbian Buster. Some parts of RetroPie already work on Buster on the Raspberry Pi 1/2 and 3 but it’s not officially supported yet.

We held off on making this release due to a Raspbian kernel update which broke pairing of Sony Bluetooth devices. We have worked around this on the Raspberry Pi images by installing more recent firmware/kernel packages from the Buster distribution.

Please see the changelog below for more information on the changes since RetroPie 4.4.

You can download a 4.5 image from https://retropie.org.uk/download/. For first installs please follow the Installation Instructions.

You can also install RetroPie on top of an existing Raspbian Stretch set up, or on top of Ubuntu on a PC/Odroid-C1/C2/XU3/XU4. Links to the relevant instructions can be found on the Download area.

If you want to support the project, donations are always appreciated and can be made on our Donation Page. The main developer Jools Wills also has a Patreon page up at https://www.patreon.com/retropie.

Changes since 4.4

  • Dropped Raspbian/Debian Jessie support
  • Raspberry Pi 3 A+ support (via Stretch firmware update)
  • Many new es themes added
  • Added Skyscraper (Scraper for Emulation Station game lists) 
  • RetroArch updated to v1.7.6
  • Amiberry (Amiga emulator) updated to v2.25, including support for launching whdload and CD32 titles from ES.
  • Jzintv (Intellivision emulator) updated to 20181225 release
  • atari800 – updated to v4.0.0
  • Mupen64plus – updated to latest version (GlideN64 stability and compatibility improved), as well as other changes.
  • Fuse (ZX Spectrum emulator) updated to v1.5.7
  • ZEsarUX (ZX Spectrum emulator) updated to v7
  • advmame (Advance MAME arcade emulator) – updated to v3.9
  • Fixed building of quake3 for RPI.
  • Added love-0.10.2 (2d Game Engine) for compatibility with older games.
  • Dosbox updated to SVN r4194 including joystick fix for 360 controllers.
  • CGenius – updated to v2.3.1 
  • lr-flycast (libretro Dreamcast emulator) – renamed from lr-reicast and enabled for arm platforms including the RPI. 
  • reicast – Switched to updated upstream repository – the latest code includes bugfixes and improvements including better game compatibility as well as our RPI fixes.
  • lr-ppsspp – switched to upstream repository for latest version
  • lr-fbneo  (Arcade and console emulator) – renamed from lr-fblpha – lots of improvements including neo geo cd support, and optional cyclone 68k core for better performance on slower devices for some games.The emulator can now be selected as an alternate emulator for Sega Genesis/Mastersystem/SG-1000, PC-Engine, MSX, ColecoVision and ZXSpectrum.
  • Fixes and updates to many libretro cores
  • Kodi updated to the 18 “Leia” release (only available in Raspbian Stretch)
  • Improvements/fixes to joystick control in runcommand launch menu
  • Fixes / Improvements to bluetooth pairing
  • Added sixaxis driver – better DualShock 3 controller support with full bluetooth coexistence
    • Third-party (Shanwan/Gasia) controller support via customhidsony & custombluez drivers
  • lr-mame2014 renamed to lr-mame2015
  • Emulationstation – updated to v2.8.4 which includes:
    • 2 new scrapers added for the TheGamesDB and ScreenScraper. Also many bugfixes and improvements including:
      • Gridview support now in main version
      • Hide MAME bios files by default
      • Graphical / rendering fixes
      • Loading progress
      • Allow using analog sticks for navigation
      • More flexible audio configuration
      • Lots of code refactoring, bugfixes and performance improvements, including removing boost libraries making compilation faster (and code smaller).
      • Search and load artwork based on ROM name (image and video)
      • Experimental scripting support, triggered by events.
  • Added new experimental modules
    • moonlight – NVIDIA GameStream client
    • steamlink – Steam Link streaming client for Raspberry Pi 3
    • jumpnbump – multiplayer platform game
    • mysticmine – open source indie game
    • bombermaaan – Classic bomberman game
    • lr-superflappybirds – Multiplayer Flappy Bird Clone
    • lr-scummvm – libretro version of scummvm (Allows playing of many classic point and click adventures)
    • lr-x1 – Sharp X1 libretro core
    • lr-redream – Dreamcast emulator
    • lr-pokemini – Pokemon Mini emulator
    • lr-81 – Sinclair ZX81 emulator
    • lr-quasi88 – NEC PC-8801 emulator
    • splitwolf – 2-4 player split-screen Wolfenstein 3D / Spear of Destiny port
    • lr-mupen64plus-next – a new WIP Libretro core which aims to improve upon the existing lr-mupen64plus core.

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Interview with RetroPie on the digitalSoup podcast

On the 22nd March, RetroPie developer Jools Wills was interviewed on the excellent digitalSoup podcast.

Big thanks to digitalSoup for inviting us on the show. If you like geeky banter including retro gaming, their podcast is definitely worth a listen.

Interview is here: https://digitalsouppodcast.com/2019/03/22/117-retropie-interview-with-jools-wills/

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RetroPie USA trademark resolved

Good news! We now own the trademark for RetroPie in the USA thanks to help and support from Eckland & Blando.

In February 2017 it came to our attention that a 3rd party had trademarked the RetroPie name in the USA. They were using the trademark to illegally sell our software and take down anyone else they saw doing the same, even those that just sold hardware and respected our software licences.

We posted asking for legal help on this site, and we were overwhelmed with all the offers of support. Thanks!

We decided to accept a very generous offer of help from Daniel Cragg at Eckland & Blando, who offered to resolve the situation for us for free, with us only covering the paperwork filing costs.

There were a few hurdles along the way, as although the person who dishonestly registered our name agreed to cancel it, they managed to make a mistake with the paperwork, so it took additional time and work from Eckland & Blando to get the situation resolved. Finally though, the trademark is now ours!

I want to say a huge thank you to Daniel, Jared and co at Eckland & Blando for all the time they put into resolving this for us. We couldn’t have done it without you. Cheers!

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