RetroPie 4.4 is released

RetroPie 4.4 is out, bringing with it Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ support via our new Raspbian Stretch based images. Raspbian Jessie is no longer receiving firmware and kernel updates, so the move to the new version was required. For RPI users it is recommended to start from a fresh image with this update. It … Read more

RetroPie 4.3 is released

RetroPie 4.3 includes a lot of improvements to our default launcher Emulation Station, including Favourites/Recently Played and custom ROM collections, video and image screensavers, power saving modes, and the ability to configure your own RetroArch hotkey enable button when setting up your gamepad. Basic support for the Odroid XU3/4 boards has been added. It’s a … Read more

RetroPie 4.2 is released

A lot has happened since 4.1, with updates to EmulationStation adding video support and fixing the dreaded white screen of death. Many packages have been updated and RetroPie 4.2 includes the latest RetroArch v1.5.0 as well as Kodi 17 (installed optionally). There are new experimental packages including lr-beetle-saturn (a Saturn emulator for x86_64 only), and … Read more

Xubuntu for the O2 Joggler updated to v1.6

The O2 Joggler images of Xubuntu 14.04 and Ubuntu Base have been updated to v1.6. As well as Kernel and package roll-ups, this update now has OpenSSH enabled on the Xubuntu image (requested by users for easier access, as the Joggler only has a single external USB port). Make sure you change the default joggler … Read more

RetroPie 4.1 is released

RetroPie 4.1 images are now available for download. Since 4.0.2 there have been various emulator updates including new versions of lr-mame2003 and lr-fbalpha (formerly lr-fba-next) as well as updates to other libretro cores. Some standalone emulators have also been updated such as PPSSPP (PSP), Vice (C64 et al), Fuse and Zesarux (ZX Spectrum). A port … Read more

The MagPi 50th issue released

The excellent Raspberry Pi magazine The MagPi have released their 50th issue (free to download but also available to buy in print). To celebrate they feature the top 50 Raspberry Pi projects as voted for by readers and their panel of judges. We are very pleased to have been included in their top software projects … Read more

RetroPie 4.0.2 is released

RetroPie 4.0.2 images are now available. This is primarily a bug fix release, but also includes Dolphin – a GameCube / Wii emulator (only available for those running RetroPie on a x86/x86_64 machine). You can download a 4.0.2 image from: For first installs please follow the Installation Instructions. If updating from 4.0 you should … Read more

RetroPie 4.0 is released

RetroPie 4.0 has arrived and with it come some major improvements to the software. It is now more modular than ever, and allows emulators and ports to be easily added and removed. There are also updates to included emulators, as well as improvements to the set-up tools to make configuration even easier. Highlights of this … Read more

Xubuntu for the O2 Joggler updated to v1.5

The O2 Joggler images of Xubuntu 14.04 and Ubuntu Base have been updated to v1.5. Changes include Kernel 3.2.80, Kodi 16.1 and Ubuntu package updates. Kodi 16.1 is included in our PPA, so existing users who don’t want to start from a new image can update by doing sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install kodi … Read more

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